Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Just a few notices of sorts:

Over the weekend, I'm going to try and repost some book-related posts from my personal blog so that they'll be here as well. I haven't tried this before so it may take me a little bit of fiddling to accomplish. If I can get it done how I'd like, then you'll be able to find all my book-related posts in one place!

You may jump for joy now. Go on, I'll wait.

Secondly, April Poetry Month is in the distance, slowly approaching. I have some poems in mind already for my poem-a-day posts, and I'm having a good time collecting some more! In another two and a half months, you can get your daily poetry fix here!

Thirdly, comments are still not working, so if I have time left this weekend I'm going to contact Blogger tech support and see if they can fix that.

Fourthly, I have LOTS of ideas for more book posts, and it really is a goal for me to post more regularly here. Stay tuned! Good things ahead!

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